Analysing DHARMA

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥४-७॥

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥

The shloka above is from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita said by none other than Shri Krishna. The line above says,

Whenever there is harm to Dharma, whenever Adharam rises, I will come to earth
In order to save the good, in order to destroy the evil, I will come in every era.

Shri Krishna states this in Adhyaya 4, Shloka 7, and 8 of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. These lines are very strong lines said by anyone, showing what Hindu scriptures denote about GOD.

We usually take God as a figure who can do anything, whatever pleases him/her. God knows how to do magic, god is always smiling, the one who knows everything, who can see the future, and god is someone who defeats every bad himself/herself. Our perception regarding God has made us either kneel in front of them, that God can do anything and they have pre-decided that, what is going to happen to me, to my family, to us, to this world.
Or either we start hating that same being, that how can these figures, can decide for them, this enforces such people to hate them and question their existence from the very origin, 
People do something decisive for society, like what they did affects the majority of human life, and thus, as being a decisive personality, THEY  THINK OF THEMSELVES AS GOD, AVATAR (incarnation) OF GOD. They start talking in that manner, guiding all others, showing them to live the perfect lives, "THE CERTAIN LIFE" which most human beings demand, the stability they lure for. 

Our perceptions vary from person to person, but what is the correct perception?

Who is GOD? What is he doing? What should we do? 

The game of perception is very critical, as it affects the lives of individuals, the way a family stays together, the way people deal with their neighbors and distant relatives, the way we deal in our professional and personal life, the way we deal with taxes, the way we deal with the existing Government, the way they deal with us, the way whole nation functions, the way the whole world functions.

Understanding God leads us to the above Shloka. Shri Krishna told about the motive of his incarnation and all other incarnations from Lord Vishnu (which in his Viraat Roop consisted of THE HINDU TRINITY (Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma)). Safety of DHARMA.

On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he gave the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjun, in which he claimed that he will take birth each and every time when there is a HARM TO DHARMA. 

Now what pertains in front of us, is WHAT IS DHARMA?

Now the fun fact here is that if you ask anyone about this question, you will find out that everyone knows about this. Each and everyone has clear knowledge about the subject of Dharma, 

Just the glitch in the matrix is that each view is distinctive. 

Every observation is different. Some say it is about which god you follow, about how you are dressed, about how you save your and your dharma's identity, about which god says what, about how you fight for your dharma, about if you kill people for it, about what color it is, about how you are cremated, about how you live your life, about how is discipline followed, etc., etc. 

Basically, we have divided our concepts, as we have divided ourselves, that's why we have a common notion about dharma- whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, or whosoever.

Dharma has become more like a system for categorizing person, it's about giving it a mark, Dharma Mark, like a birthmark. We have seen it in the movie P.K., how the character of P.K. deals with this in the same manner. But that is what pertains to today's time. Dharma is not the way of life, or any other definition, which we discussed. First, it is where you belong, then any further questions!! 

In today's time, the war is not for who has larger land, who can fight for more, or who can gain more, it's about gaining people, and it is very obvious. Gaining more people in your sphere, similar to your appearance, your place, and most importantly, your beliefs, makes the whole difference. We as social animals not just choose to be social with people, but also be selective in being social. We strive for being with people who have some things in common.

If you think that this is happening in today's time, and specifically in India, then this notion of "selective socialization" has led to the formation of nations like India and Pakistan, like North Korea and South Korea, and for your information, several nations in Europe took birth on this purpose. Unifying a nation in a linguistic manner led to the formation of nations like Germany, and similar collectiveness and commonality among people led to the formation of countries like Italy and the United Kingdom. It was the notion of gathering people and selective socialization that pertained to the ideology of Adolf Hitler and we all know what he did further. It's not Dharma that has become the cause of the long-going arc of our history, sometimes it is language, ethnicity, color, beliefs, etc. 

This behavior is good for people. People staying with known, and trustable can help them to bring a sense of safety to each other. But, it helps politicians cater to these people, and corporates to target such collective people as consumers, And today's concept of Dharma helps in this. If we think about this, then we can notice that both politically and from the business side, we can see that the concept of Dharma supports their basic idealogy and helps them to fulfill those demands. 

That's what makes them induce these communal ideas among the people. This makes people hate each other, they start thinking that people belong to different beliefs, and are contradicting their beliefs. From here onwards, this hatred increases, this hatred increases and people create enemies, as Dharma is the foremost thing according to GOD, and we should follow this as GOD has said this. People start arguing, imposing themselves upon others, they want their Dharma to win, and thus fights, riots, and wars occur. 




It is only WE, WHO PERISH.

And this is the vicious circle we get enrolled in. This all happens again and again and no one cares to stop this.

Many people start blaming Dharma for this and start staying away from this, which is one way to get out of this vicious circle. But what here we are doing is blaming the wrong idea. Blaming Dharma and god is something that if we think deeply is not the right thing to do. It's like blaming a rape victim for her clothes, as what she did wasn't the reason for what happened to her, it was the mentality of the guilty. Similarly, blaming the idea of dharma is not going to change anything, we have to know what and how we get into this mess. 

Taking advantage of this, we can see people becoming mighty, becoming superior. They start doing magic, talking in a soft tone, guiding people, thinking of themselves as immortals, thinking of themselves as GOD. 

These people are the one who now motivates the people even at a larger magnitude. People greet them, and they start worshipping them. This whole becomes messier, because a person who has proclaimed himself or herself as a god, has joined hands with politicians and businessmen, and now the whole society has become a joke, as this whole system works on only one thing, GENERATING MONEY. This whole system is based on this single factor. And, we as common people, support this notion as we gain satisfaction from serving the god, who is actually no one. That person is a leech who is just making money from the people and telling you this, money generated here is so layered and underground that this money will not even support the nation. This money is generated from, the corruption, for the corruption. 

Becoming God is something that requires average acting skills because you have to keep an "always in peace" face, should know how to make people feel good, which one can do by giving the person sympathy, and yes, some Sanskrit shlokas and stories so you get authentication. No need for real knowledge.


Telling you this, but we can't become god. It's not just the point of its possibility, it is more. God is not just an individual which we believe existed, it is an idealogy, it is more than an idea, it is more complex, more layered, we can't even think how enormous it is, and those persons who have written about them are not just remarkable and respectable for their knowledge, what they have given us is much more.

In this world, especially in India, we as kids start listening about gods, and their role in building our rich history and culture, the way we see them is obviously kidzy. What we see in them is magic, their power to control everything, their sense of life, and is so peaceful. What we see is an IDEAL BEING. We start admiring them, for these factors. I will be truthful when I was small, I used to think that I am an incarnation of Shri Vishnu Ji, which was due to my naive behavior. I used to take pillows and make them structured in such a manner that they portray Sheshnaag, and used to make Sudarshan Chakra from clay. My mother used to laugh a lot and still teases me for this. But, this is what every kid does. We love our gods as we think that they can solve all our problems. Our problems are very minimal in this real world, but as a kid, we see them as very important subjects in that pertaining situation. We want them to be resolved, and having magical powers can help us in many ways. Not only this but as kids, we see gods always smiling, which also left its impact on our brains.

But as we grow, we start seeing that what God has played a role in our history, and how that has its effect in the current period is highly layered to be understood. God shows us how an Ideal being is, and provides us a way so we can try to become some part of it. 

But there is something we are missing. There are certain questions, where we are also confused that why and how that happened. 

These questions not just led us to doubt god's stand towards their own principles, but also confuse us about what Dharma stands for.

In order to analyze it, we have to move from the current spiritual war to the war of Dwapur-Yuga, the war of Mahabharata. 

Mahabharata is not just a Maha-Granth (great piece of literature), it is way much more than that. Mahabharata is very immensely and intensely layered, so whenever we read it, about it, and think about it, we always come to a new learning from that. And that's what is going to answer our question.

 From Mahabharata, we are going to understand, what Shri Krishna performed. Shri Krishna, an incarnation (Avtar) of Shri Vishnu, was the Avtar who took birth in Dwapur-Yuga. He was the one who established Dharma in that era, by killing Kansa, and other bad deities in that era and was with Arjun in the Mahabharata. Shri Krishna is one of those deities from our history who is worshiped till now and will be done in the future. When I was around 6 or 7, I used to watch a cartoon, which was about Shri Krishna. From the episodes of his childhood to the time when he killed Kansa, the cartoon covered it all. 

Being elegant, beautiful, confident, and with such features which I won't be able to express through words, Shri Krishna performed his duties and established Dharma in his era. But what we find in his story, is sometimes conflicting. We can notice how some of his decision are not only different but contrasting in the same situations. Shri Krishna, an incarnation of Shri Vishnu, god himself, you ought to believe that he can do anything. Then also, he shifted from Mathura to Dwarka as Jarasandha and Kalyavan were attacking the place. If he had avoided war, at that moment, then why did he become part of the Mahabharata, a war which took place between brothers, and the war has been claimed as one of the biggest wars. Not only this, if he had done this for the family and dharma, why did he let his own clan, his own family be wiped out, by the people of his clan only. If he can control everything, then why didn't he stop them. 

Why was the god, not able to protect his people.

Such kinds of questions are asked by people. Of course, after asking these questions, they content themselves, as they prove themselves, and prove the mighty figure as vague. 

Ignorance is a curse and we should know that ignorance does not just lead to embarrassment, but also, this leads can lead to further diverting the passage of complete information to future generations and can mislead them. The future generations thus, can ask these questions again, and we wouldn't be able to answer them. Impartial Information has led to several issues, and not just this, currently our media uses this for fulfilling their own personal criteria and motives. 

From correct questions, we can desire, appropriate answers, and thus, our brain can have complete information. 

The above-stated questions, should not be left unanswered. And thus, the answers to these questions only will help us to understand Dharma and the role of the god.

To understand this, we have to look at the situation, and how things were going on.

Shri Krishna, the eighth son of Devki and Vasudeva, was destined as per the Aakash Vani, that he will be the one who will kill Kansa. Kansa was Krishna's maternal uncle. Kansa, who was evil, to make himself immortal, decided, that he will kill that ward of Devki. But, due to his utter cleverness, arrogance, and aggression, he committed another sin, by killing all of the babies, who were given birth by Devki. till her seventh and eighth. The seventh, Balrama, who was in Devki's womb, the embryo was transferred into Rohini's womb (the first wife of Vasudeva). And the eighth, Krishna, was given birth inside the jail of Mathura, by Devki herself, and was moved to Gokul by Vasudeva, so he can stay safe with his friend, Nanda. 

This whole episode has happened so beautifully, that it still, in the present carries the glory of Shri Krishna. 

After this, Kansa consistently, sends his monstrous, troop, in order to kill the unknown child, as he was never able to see him. From birth, Death was surrounding Shri Krishna. But Shri Krishna not just managed to save himself, but also wiped out the evil from this planet, by killing each of them.

At the age of Eleven, Shri Krishna and Balrama moved back to Mathura, and in a wrestling fight with the men of Kansa, and Kansa himself, Shri Krishna killed Kansa and served justice. He brought Dharma. 

After this, starts the further episode of Jarasandha and Mahabharata. 

Kansa was succeeded, by his father, Ugrasen. Shri Krishna and Balrama reunited with their parents, Devki and Vasudeva.

But in the kingdom of Magadha, something else was getting planned.

Jarasandha, the king of the Kingdom of Magadha was also the Father-in-law, of Kansa, and after his death, he got furious, with Shri Krishna.

After this, he continuously attacked Mathura and thus caused a state of havoc there. Shri Krishna understood the situation and thus acted by shifting their whole kingdom, from Mathura to Dwarka.

Due to this decision, several times he is stated as Ranchodd (the one who ran away from the battlefield) since he decided to prevent the war and move away. A Mass Migration took place. 

Shri Krishna, the one who took away his people, in order to prevent war, which can be justified, from the god's angle. We can say that he wanted peace.  

But let's fast-forward it, and move to the Mahabharata, where the same Krishna, was with Arjuna, and on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where Arjuna was in dilemma, he was not willing to kill his own brothers and thus wanted to withdraw from the battle. But, Shri Krishna was the one, who motivated him to fight, he made him realize his Kshatriya Dharma. He made him understand the need of this battle, about what has to be done.

Conflict of interest.

Shri Krishna being avoiding the war, and then made Arjuna take part in the war. Why so?

In fact, a warrior like Arjuna, who is so focused, disciplined, skilled, and strong, denied taking part in the battle, would have a clear reason for that. Such withdrawal can affect the war, and divert the whole passage of our history. Counseling him, wasn't a simple task. 

Then what we have seen? Is it a mistake, ignorance, some kind of motive, or a reason which is even larger than any self-motive? A reason which is not just for one person, one family, one clan, one nation, but for the whole world, for all lives.

Shri Krishna did all this knowing about the betterment of the whole system.

Shri Krishna took his decision, according to the situation, with his practicality.
And kept in mind, that, what will keep the balance, the sustainability, in the whole world. 

That is what practicing DHARMA is.

In simpler words


Shri Krishna performed his duties. He did what was important to be done, in that particular situation.

That's why he is GOD.

Shri Krishna moved from Mathura, so his people can stay calm, and in order to avenge, Jarasandh will eventually lose his army, and several of his allies, as he kept attacking. Thus, this decision enabled Shri Krishna, to keep his people safe, and also reduce more evil from this earth. He brought Dharma. 

And in Kurukshetra, we all know that Kauravas deserved the lesson. It was not about, families, or how adverse the battle is going to be. 

In fact, Shri Krishna tried to stop the war, but it was Duryodhan, who wanted the battle to be done. Kauravas denied land the size of a needle to Pandavas. It was their arrogance, ego, hatred, behavior, and ignorance, that led to this. 

That is what means behind the idea of being GOD. It's not about what you want, it's about what the system upholds. What is the system demanding? 

Being humans, it is very normal to think of ourselves. Not just normal, I would say, it's necessary. We, sometimes encounter such kind of situations, that we unknowingly, think of ourselves, and stop thinking about what is important. It's difficult to bring the intellect, of judging the situation and act accordingly every time. 

And from this, we can understand, what is Dharma. Krishna told the same intellect to Arjuna, and recited for every time, which we can read from Bhagavad Gita. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is not just a spiritual text, it also narrates, how to bring practicality and take corrective measures, through this intellect. He told about how Aatma (Soul), never dies, only the body dies, soul stays. When the body dies, the soul gets transferred from one body to another, just like how we as a person, change our clothes each day. We have nothing to bring and nothing to take away. Everything thing you inherited here, will stay here. The only thing you could do is Karma, the only thing you can focus upon in now, and the one thing you should not take care of is THE RESULT.

Just like how Shri Krishna, did. He did, what was right at the moment. Whether it is to flee, or whether it is to fight. Shri Krishna took decisions, which was important at that moment. He never took care of the fact, that history, will somewhere remind him of RANCHOD, and did, what was important.

It takes a long period, to able to develop such intellect. Because, whether we still do not take care of the result, we always wish for it, we always expect it. That's where misunderstandings and disappointments have taken birth from.   

And, if we try, then think about, Krishna's emotions, from your side, in the moments, when he had to leave for Dwarka with his family, from his birthplace, when he guided a brother, to wage war against his own brother, when he saw multiple people died, knowing, that they worshiped him, knowing that every being consists of him, when he saw his own clan wiped out, by people of his own clan, and he did nothing because it was also done for some greater cause.

We can't think of how he, himself would have felt, but as us, we will feel depressed after such things. Being in human form, the avatar of Shri Vishnu, faced problems which are faced by humans. They lived like that. If we take any Avatar, Shri Rama (about whom we talked in the previous episode of "Analysing The Core"), or Shri Krishna, or Gautama Buddha, or Shri Prashurama, they all faced problems. But their outlook, and their Karma, made the difference. 

If you were doing this all, your emotions could be depressing. We all feel so depressed, when we think, that this was the result we ought to achieve, and we are not able to achieve that, then think that, Shri Rama, was denied to take the throne of Ayodhya, and was sent for exile. We all feel so aggressive when our loved ones our snatched away from us, then think that, Mata Sita was taken away from Shri Rama. We all feel the pain, when there is a fight even in our neighborhood, we always try to solve such, then think how Shri Krishna would have dealt, with the fact, that his cousins are only there fighting with each other. And, we know that it is not easy to leave your fortune, for something, but that same was done by Gautam Buddha. This is what our scriptures are all about. I can't express, how god would have felt, but after considering all, being righteous is a tough job. Keeping Dharma stay for all is tough, and thus, just speaking good, with "a peaceful face" and doing anything, since god can do anything is not being GOD. 

We have to understand that whatever he does, is for sustainability, balance, and DHARMA.

What Shri Krishna did, in economic language, can be stated as equilibrium. Equilibrium is a state where all forces, or opposite forces settle down with each other and the system is at rest position.

Equilibrium between good and bad, between what is necessary and what is not. We all know that god is not bound. 

From this, what we can take is the power of analyzing, the power of correct judgment, and thus taking a stance accordingly. The power of situational response. In today's world, we have to understand the situation, judge accordingly and thus take action. I know, saying that you should keep yourself at the backend, is not good advice, since not many people will follow it, and neither the person carrying it, will keep it for long. But, it's okay. We know, that our text, literature, doesn't teach how to become god, it teaches you, how to become a good person, by making us understand god. 

If we understand, what he did, we can learn from texts like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad Purana, etc. and what they taught to this world, which we can learn from the same piece of text and also The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, we can learn how to live better life.

The Knowledge of Dharma, stability, sustainability, and equilibrium, is not just important in wars, but in our daily life, because it is our duties, and responsibilities, which require these factors. It is our relations, which need this. Otherwise, we all can fail in our respective systems.

We have to take care of our relationship with, our parents, our wards, our friends, our relatives, the society, with the work, with the prosperity, with the nature, from which we take it all. If we take care and follow Dharma, then only our system of togetherness can prosper further. And thus, we can bring Dharma, from our own side,

Dharma is not about division, it's about keeping it together and holding it. Keeping the stability, and holding it. From such a definition of our Dharma, we can understand that, we should strive to practice it as much as we can, and for ourselves for our people.

Here, it's just one aspect of Dharma, we discussed, there are several aspects, which does not make it complex, but an enormous concept of and about our lives.

And this is how we will keep ANALYSING DHARMA.

Hare Krishna







  1. Jai jai shri radhey

  2. Great insights! Loved the way how you connected the present day dharma to our masterpieces of literature. Your analysis of 'Selective Socialization' is worth mentioning.


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