
Showing posts from December, 2022

Analysing Wisdom

" इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः |    नियतात्मा महावीर्यो द्युतिमान् धृतिमान् वशी || " Shri Narad Muni Ji said this to Shri Valmiki Ji. In these lines, he is giving a description of Shri Rama, and this verse is one of the verses in the Valmiki Ramayana. In India, the majority of people know about The Ramayana. We pray to Shri Rama, Sita Maiyan, Shri Lakshman, and Shri Hanuman, as gods who are the main characters of The Ramayana.  Here Narad Muni said, "One emerged from the Ikshvaku dynasty, known to people as Rama by name. He is with a controlled self, highly valorous, resplendent, steadfast and a controller of (vice and vile... or) his own senses." The first line of Shri Rama describes him as the one who is born in The Ikshvaku Dynasty, very courageous, a controller of his senses, attractive, handsome, and strong.  Shri Rama, for whom, one can get short of words, is our main protagonist. From being the best son, brother, prince, warrior, husband, and then